Sorry about the delay in getting a new post up, the internet has been somewhat hard to come by during the last couple of weeks, for reasons that will be explained shortly.
Since my last post, I am (obviously) no longer in Jamaica, since I left I've been spending my time in the United Kingdom and so this post will pretty much be dealing with what I've been up to since then.
Having left Jamaica I got the opportunity to spend some time in what is definitely my favourite city in the world, London. After spending some time tracking down the key to a family friend's apartment in Chelsea I was free to go and enjoy myself. After treating myself to a new pair of shoes (my red nikes were donated to the shelter) I returned home to enjoy two things that I hadn't had the opportunity to enjoy in three months: an artisan brie and a bottle of Chilean red wine.
The next day I had the opportunity to attend FWD, which was awesome, but more importantly I also managed to catch up with an old friend (we've known each other for around about 20 years) that I hadn't seen in a log long time. The actual meeting itself came about quite innocently, following a facebook on the bus that went a little something like this:
Luke: Mate where are you?
Me: London at the moment dude, how about yourself?
Luke: Motherfucker. Where are you staying and what are you doing? I'm here too!
Me: Oh shit no way!!!
Luke: Way.
A well stocked tent |
The next day was an absolute joy as well. I got to link with anoher group of friends I hadn't seen in a while, one of who was also quite unexpectedly. It was such an awesome feeling being on the other side of the world but at the same time feeling totally at home because of my wonderful friends. In addition I also got to go to pub that had the same decor it had in 1888, meet my first Bassett Hound (which are massive and very excitable as it turns out, not at all like Fred) and see RIP Productions DJ, which was definitely one to tick off the bucket list. Huge thanks have to go out to Whistla and Shannon for their hospitality as well.
So after some extremely awesome times I headed out of London to do what it was that I had actually come to the UK to do: Archaeology. For those who don't know, my actual job/passion involves digging very old things out of the ground and trying to understand them. To this end I returned to an excavation that I spent some time at in 2009, at the Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum. To be honest, I can't actually write up too much about it here as it's still a (relatively) unpublished site for the most part and it's not really my place to be revealing too much. If you'd like to find out more about the town and the history of the excavations there however, as well as some of the things that they've brought up, you can check it here.
Tools of the trade |
Excavation at Insula IX |
Until next time!